DiRikU.. BukAn diRiMu.. hakhak!

..Live your life happily..

aku bosan ler..

9:10 PM PerAhan OtaK n Luahan Kata-katA Fatin Mokhtar

huhu.. gler ngedit gambo lak aku skang nih.. ngdap laptop bkn men lma agy.. hahaha... antaranyer....

pic of me & beloved fwen.. ainaa a.k.a ainaaton a.k.a angah... hehe.. time nih ngah dlm kelegaan bru abis dinal exam sem1.. hehe.. Now dak naton ni da g UiTM.. change course.. huuhu.. tp dia rjin dtg mlaka nih jmpa kami2 sekalian.. =D td ak bru pas iring dia g bus stop nak blik kL..tket dia kol 8.30pg.. ktorg tggu bus awm nak p mc xmuncul2.. huhu.. cian dia t'lpas bus.. xpe la.. da slamat pun bli tiket len.. hehe..

ni lak pic aku ngan syida a.k.a syidaaton a.k.a suamiku cyunk.. hehe.. wowow.. jgn slh persepsi lak tau.. sesungguhnye ak wanita normal..hehe.. we were at mitc on 'boikot israel' campaign.. =D

dis sweet little baby is my nephew.. his name amzar harraz bin mohd mokhairi... miss him soooo much!

as u all noe. this is me!

my bro on his wedding day.. smoga berbahagia k akhir hayat.. amin..

my one n only sis.. greatest sis ever.. love u so much!

these two pics of my twin brother (uda n yang).. so good to each other.. mcm isi ngan kuku.. hehe..

da nama pun twin kan.. no wonder.. hehe.. =D

nyah n his son... bliau nih ustad tau.. tp gaya not like one kan?? hehe..

eldest son in ma family.. married n hav 2 sons already.. =D

last but not least.. my beloved father n mother... mak.. abah.. miss u both..